Saturday, September 27, 2008


The 1st save-you-money installment is on cleaning products. Do you realize how much money you spend on cleaners? Really????

Everyday household cleaners are not only bad for the environment but also your wallet. Here are some CHEAP ways to save and still have a clean house.

*Multipurpose cleaner (I use this FOR everything)
1 part white vinegar to 4 parts water

*Dishwasher rinse agent
straight white vinegar (works just as good as jet dry)

*Swiffer wetjet cleaner
1 part white vinegar, 4 parts water, couple drops dawn and lemon juice for smell

*Swiffer wetjet cleaning pads
Baby changing table waterproof pads (they automatically stick to the velcro). You can use, wash, reuse.

*Sink cleaner, de-greaser, deodorizer
pour baking soda down drain, let sit for 2 minutes, rinse with straight white vinegar (you also get a cool volcano effect:-)

*Bathroom cleaner
bleach and water. Really, it is that easy. Mix into spray bottle with lemon juice for smell!

*Laundry soap
2 parts Ivory soap grated, 1 part washing soda, 1 part borax. Use 1 TABLESPOON PER LOAD! Can scent with any essential oil you like, add to water with soap before clothes. DO NOT NEED FABRIC SOFTENER!!!!!

*Vegetable spray/cleaner/rinse
water (5) and grapefruit seed extract (1)

*Grout cleaner
Baking soda and water. Make a paste and scrub.

*Window cleaner
water and white vinegar. Newspaper for wiping window to relieve streaks.

*Dishwasher detergent
store brand powdered dishwasher soap and equal parts washing soda

I think this is all I have in my arsenal for now. I will add more as I come across them. Please readers, feel free to add any CLEANING tricks, I mean, tips that you may have!

Look back next Saturday for other ways to be a sparing spender.

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